How to Write an Essay

Write an Essay

Tips on writing that all-important A-grade essay


Need some more help?Welcome to my website dedicated to teaching people how to write a essay. My name is Ted Neilson and I'm a retired study skills adviser. Over the years I saw so many students fall into the same writing traps, essay after essay. I have had many requests to publish my advice and the finished product is here at last. Step-by-step help on researching and writing essays from understanding the topic and essay question to editing your final draft.

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I hope you find the information useful and see an improvement in your essay writing. Good luck.


Writing an essay is your chance to show you:

Know your essay subject
have a thorough knowledge of your essay subject;  
Answer the essay question
can marshal, argue and present your information to answer the set essay question; and  
Write your essay clearly
can communicate clearly.  

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Essay Know your Essay Subject
Essay Structure your Essay to Help your Reader
Essay Answer the Essay Question
Essay Show your Analytical Skills
Essay Write in a Clear Style
Use active verbs
Keep your sentence length under control
Use simple words
Avoid jjargon
Avoid abstract terms
Keep abbreviations under control
Avoid Padding
Use topic sentences
Link your ideas and paragraphs
Use examples to explain difficult points
Use quotations in your writing
Essay Edit your Essay Draft
Essay StyleWriter editing software
StyleWriter Demonstration
Recommended Writing Software
Essay Internet Resources