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Software to Edit Your Policies and Procedures

Organizations can make any document - including policies and procedures - clear and readable by using StyleWriter.

Original Policy Paper - before editing with StyleWriter

StyleWriter highlights poor style in red and English usage issues in black. Here, for example, the writer has confused the word 'averse' with 'adverse'. StyleWriter helps you see your document as if you were a professional editor with years of experience.

StyleWriter Writing Policy Paper Example - Before

Redrafted Policy Paper - after editing with StyleWriter

You do not need to follow all of the programs advice. Here, the author has decided to keep the word 'observing' rather than change it to one of the words suggested by StyleWriter. As long as you can gain three 'Excellent' ratings, you can ignore advice and still write readable documents.

StyleWriter Writing Policy Paper Example - After

StyleWriter is great for editing policy procedures

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Find out how StyleWriter can help you with: Technical Reports, Journalist Writing, Advertising Copy, Minutes of Meetings, Writing Memos, Writing Policies and Procedures, Legal Documents, Essays and Research Papers, Business Letters
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